Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Biotechnology YES


Hi folks

The Biotechnology Young Entrepreneurs Scheme (Biotechnology YES) is an innovative competition developed to raise awareness of the commercialisation of bioscience ideas among early career researchers. I hope you have already submitted a team together and preparing to come up with an idea. I had a few friends who did it last year and previous to that. I heard nothing but great things about this competition and furthermore, I think it could be a great way to step outside of your comfort zone and try something entrepreneurial. 

Here is a full timetable of what is to come

Biotechnology YES 2014 Calendar

Application Deadline 13 June
Briefing SessionNottingham13 August
Plant, Microbial and
Environmental Sciences Workshop
Hosted by Syngenta at Jealott's Hill8-10 October
Chemistry YES WorkshopManchester15-17 October
North West WorkshopManchester15-17 October
BioMedical YES WorkshopHosted by GSK and Stevenage Bioscience Catalyst22-24 October
Food YES WorkshopHosted by Leatherhead Food Research5-7 November
Southern WorkshopLeatherhead5-7 November
Scottish WorkshopEdinburgh12-14 November
FinalLondon8 December

Thursday, 10 July 2014

Enterprise School

Enterprise School, scheduled for Monday, 7th to Thursday, 10th July 2014 at The Low Wood Bay Hotel, Ambleside Road, Ambleside, LA23 1LP Cumbria.


I have just returned back from a very excellent enterprise business training school. The course has been designed based on teamwork in which each team will identify a commercial opportunity before refining their idea, looking at market research, intellectual property and raising finance as you would if you were starting a business or were working in industry. The sessions will be very interactive, and each group will have access to several different tutors for the entire course.

Employers frequently cite the need for “transferable skills” – those that allow you to become effective in your job and you will certainly be improving those skills during your time here. There will be ample opportunity to present information, pick up new skills, think creatively, absorb information quickly, network with others….. and work under pressure! It is also increasingly important to become an active learner, so a learning log you keep during your stay will help you to reflect on your achievements. This course was GREAT for learning about entrepreneurship!
