Monday, 5 January 2015

WhatNext 2015 conference

Happy New Year

I hope you all had a nice Christmas break and refreshed for the New Year. Off course many of you this year may have New Year resolutions. Whether it is getting fitter, cutting back on chocolate consumption or simply to make more of an effort to reconnect with old friends, I hope you will achieve what you have set out at the beginning of the year.

Talking about resolutions, why not take the time now to set a few targets of your own for those that have a big desire to one day create their own business. Why not start the New Year by attending to the What Next Conference held in Manchester by the Manchester Entrepreneur Society.

What is What Next

What Next 2015 conference brings together aspiring student, entrepreneurs, business professionals and CEO's of SME companies. The aim is to connect and learn from each other during the few intensive days of workshops, seminars and lectures. This type of conference is rare in the North West and only happens once a year so I encourage everyone to come if they have a chance. Be inspired! Early bird tickets are still available via their website.

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

GradHive work experience opportunities

Hello Everyone

Details on three exciting part-time projects for postgraduate students in the areas of computer science and engineering are posted below. Deadline for application is next Monday 8th Dec.

 Apply now, don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity for workplace experience!

Wednesday, 22 October 2014


Hi all

I realised that I have been away for a bit. I have a good reason for this 1) I am writing my thesis 2) I am writing and my thesis. 3) Yep, you guessed it - thesis writing. While it is a good excuse to turn down events, social activities you don't particularly like or birthday parties, I must say that I cannot wait to finish it. I have just got my corrections back from my two supervisors. At first glance, the corrections looks horrendous. Red everywhere! But when I stopped panicking, I realised most of it is typos. Generally speaking, my supervisors were quite happy with it. I know, I find it hard to believe it as well. Anyway, not long left

I am in the middle of applying for jobs eek! It is scary but also quite fun and exciting at the same time. Its an opportunity to explore what is out there, move to another city, move into a another career path. I am embracing it for a fact.

For now, that's it. See you soon.

P.s. For those who are interested, there is another NMR conference, Bruker on 14th November 2014 in Salford.

Saturday, 13 September 2014

Normal TROSY

Normal TROSY

 ●Large proteins –Fast relaxation = Broader line widths –Decrease in spectral resolution

1H – 15N TROSY –Relaxation contributions from:

●Dipole-dipole (DD)

●Chemical shift anisotropy (CSA) –DD and CSA interfere either constructively or destructively –TROSY selects signals where destructive interference has occurred

●Cancelled out –Results in sharper signals and increased resolution

MIB NMR facebook group

Monday, 25 August 2014


At the ICMRBS conference 2014 in the beautiful city of Dallas, USA.
Very excited to hear the latest development in solution-NMR and networking.

Future more comprehensive updates to follow ;-)

Best wishes